Monday, December 17, 2007

Day 115: EWTN Global Catholic Radio Network

My Best Guess: Evangelical programming finds a home in the heavens with Sirius Satellite Radio, as the best religious programming feeds your spirit with The Word every day

According to Sirius: EWTN Global Catholic Radio Network features a daily line-up for people of all ages and backgrounds. Listeners will find content filled with hope and inspiration. The EWTN Global Catholic Radio Network offers listeners live call-in talk shows, informative teaching series, daily devotions, inspiring prayers and Church events. EWTN’s strong commitment to original, high quality programming continues to attract listeners from all faith groups.

Curt's Rebuttal: Yeah, I guess this channel is different from the prior one as it focuses a little bit more on prayer and worship than on the overall topic of religion.

Sample Playlist
  • Women of Grace (LIVE): First off, I didn't hear any women on this program, which threw me. The portion of the show I got to listen to was basically a listener Q&A, with people calling in with questions on spiritual warfare (good vs. evil), how to bring repentent sinners into the fold, and the rise of the "swamp of atheism." There was a shout-out to Our Lady of Guadalupe, which was nifty, given how I learned about her yesterday.
  • Catholic Answers Live: Another phone Q&A. Guess Catholics have a lot of questions going on inside their heads. This was a bit more interesting as it explored the church's seemingly conflicting stances on the death penalty and right-to-life. It also looked at the topic of "healing masses," where the afflicted are supposedly washed of their sins without a "true" confession.
Verdict: Not Catholic, not gonna bookmark it...but it was interesting hearing the Q&A given some lengthy thought.

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