Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Day 109: Sirius Patriot

My Best Guess: Yeeeehaw! Let's round up the best dadgum right-wing political talk and show those tree-hugging commies what REAL democracy looks like! GO BUSH!!!

According to Sirius: Coast-to-coast conservative: SIRIUS Patriot celebrates the red, white and blue with patriotic conservatives who aren’t afraid to tell you what they think. You’ll hear Mike Church, G. Gordon Liddy, Andrew Wilkow, Cam and Company from NRA, Michael Reagan, news from the U.S Military from The Pentagon Channel and more!

Curt's Rebuttal: Oops, was my liberalism showing?

Sample Playlist
  • The Mike Church Show: Mike's show on the way into work dealt with home schooling vs. mandated public education. I was agreeing with the notion that public schooling may not be best for everyone, but doing it because it isn't optimal vs. doing it because it's part of the left-wing liberal agenda doesn't sit well with me. The callers to his show were also fanatical home schoolers...which was a little weird.
  • Cam & Company from NRA News: The president of the NRA called in about a shooting competition that he attended. Overall, this "evening drive" program was actually interesting to listen to, and focused a little more on the lifestyle of gun owners than on the politics of ownership.
Verdict: While I do think that listening to points-of-view that are contrary to your own can be entertaining and enlightening, the morning drive made me a little sick to my stomach. Pass. Also, they can't manage to keep their station logo in the same format as all the others. Boooooo.

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