Monday, December 3, 2007

Day 107: BBC World Service News

My Best Guess: Get the latest world news and financial headlines from one of the most respected news sources in the world, the BBC...with BBC World Service News on Sirius

According to Sirius: News is central to all BBC language services. The BBC is renowned for its accurate, up-to-the-minute reporting of events happening around the globe, and legendary for its depth of analysis and impartiality of perspective. On-the-spot coverage is delivered by the largest worldwide team of news reporters with 250 correspondents reporting from 50 bureaus. Listeners can access compelling news and current affairs coverage with programs such as World Update, Newshour, and Outlook. For more information visit

Curt's Rebuttal: Well played, BBC. Well played, indeed.

Sample Playlist
  • World Briefing: We got some basic news headlines on the way in to work, such as Putin's win in the Russian Parliamentary elections and how the British teacher in Sudan, who had been jailed for letting her schoolchildren name the class teddy bear "Mohamed," had been released and sent back home. After recapping several headlines in brief, they went on to focus more in-depth on the Putin story...kind of a nice approach to the news.
  • Business Daily: Toward the end of my journey to work (and after work, on the way to the gym, as well), there was a story about how a merger between a couple mining companies in Australia was making waves. Not really sure why, though...
  • The World Today: Although, technically, since I was listening to this around 8pm here in LA, this might better be named "The World Tomorrow." Anyway, more news stories, this time on a one-day miner's strike in South Africa, trying to get better safety conditions, as well as how a new U.S. intelligence report on Iran concludes that not only does the Middle Eastern nation not have any nuclear weapons, they have been dismantled for some time now.
Verdict: Well, I've already got BBC Radio 1 (although it is music), so don't want to overload on my British accents (as enjoyable as that would be). Besides, I'm not really sure why the picture to the left was used by Sirius as an associated visual for this's a little creepy, actually.

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