Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Day 113: Sirius 1st Traffic and Weather

My Best Guess: From the Big Apple to the sunny shores of California, Sirius has the latest updates on traffic and weather that you can count on

According to Sirius: News you can truly use: Coast-to-coast weather forecasts and information, plus traffic reports for the top 20 most traffic congested metropolitan areas.

Curt's Rebuttal: Yep...pretty much covers it. Although calling out the cities as being the "most traffic congested" seems a bit insensitive.

Sample Playlist
  • Well, this is a bit different. There were 10 different channels here, each delivering a four-minute traffic and weather report for various cities. No way I was going to spend an entire day with each one, given that I'd hear the exact same thing four or five times over again on the way into work, so I listened to one cycle of each. Got a little taste of eight cities on the way in, and twelve on the way back (some cities, like NYC and LA, had their own dedicated channels, while others had to share the dial with nearby towns).
Verdict: I don't spend a lot of time on the expressways of LA (I'm blessed that I only take surface roads on the way to work), so no real need to bookmark this. If I have to get somewhere downtown, though, I'll manually seek this one out...

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