Sunday, November 18, 2007

Day 99: FOX News

My Best Guess: Get your news each day, fair and balanced, from one of the leaders in reporting from the four corners of the globe: FOX News

According to Sirius: Become a part of America's news phenomenon with FOX News, which puts national and international news right at your fingertips. It's all here: The O'Reilly Factor, On The Record with Greta Van Susteren, Hannity & Colmes and more.

Curt's Rebuttal: Hmm...surprised the words "fair and balanced" didn't appear in there. I like how they call it a "news phenomenon," although I have no idea what that really means...

Sample Playlist
  • Happening Now: On the drive in to work, I got to hear about the "state of emergency" in Pakistan, and the world outcry against it; how travel rates this holiday season are going to be higher than expected, in spite of higher gas costs; and how Dubya was meeting with the new Prime Ministere of Japan.
  • Your World, with Neil Cavuto: Here, Neil brings in Sandra Lee to talk about whether it's possible to have an enjoyable Thanksgiving with vegetarians at the table. He also discussed the story of the shady surgeon who operated on Kanye West's mom...after which she died.
Verdict: Never really been a fan of FOX News, as they're a little too right wing for me. Plus, they ended up quoting as a source...twice. As my friend Brad pointed out, it's a shame that more people don't realize there's a very direct connection between FOX, the news channel, and FOX the network that aired "Temptation Island" and "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire?" Pass.

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