Sunday, November 25, 2007

Day 102: NPR Now

My Best Guess: Tune into all your favorite National Public Radio programming, from Car Talk to This American Life, as Sirius brings you a live simulcast of NPR

According to Sirius: NPR Now offers in-depth news, features, and entertainment produced and assembled by NPR specifically for SIRIUS. NPR's variety channel features Fresh Air and Marketplace, plus public radio favorites like Car Talk, Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me!, Talk of the Nation, as well as new productions from independent producers and public radio stations nationwide.

Curt's Rebuttal: Damn! I got Car Talk right, and was going to mention Wait, Wait (it's my favorite NPR show), but thought for sure that This American Life would have trumped that. Then again, maybe this channel doesn't get TAL. Also...I do say it's a simulcast, but I guess there's no evidence of that being true.

Sample Playlist
  • The Bryant Park Project: An NPR morning show that, today, was talking about the advantages of having a "heritage" turkey for Thanksgiving (that is, one that is genetically pure, and not industrial), as well as discussing The Rejection Collection, a book of cartoons submitted to the New Yorker that were turned away for one reason or another.
  • Talk of the Nation: A news and interview show that featured the author of a book My Jewish Father's Nazi Boyhood, as well as more news on the skin cell/stem cell breakthrough, with a little Q&A behind the topic.
Verdict: I listen to several NPR podcasts through iTunes, so was immediately to drawn to this station for that fact alone. Plus, one of them happens to be the "A Block" of The Bryant Park Project, so it was cool to 1) hear that program live and 2) hear more than just the first 16 minutes of it. I did hit a roadblock, though, and discovered today that I can only bookmark a total of 30 stations. So...we have a new entry section...

The Tribe Has Spoken: Sorry Court TV Radio...I had to let you go to make room for NPR. I figure if there's a riveting court case I want to follow, I can just turn to you manually, but I doubt I would have been coming to you on a regular basis, anyway.

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