Friday, September 28, 2007

Day 67: Howard 100

My Best Guess: Catch America's #1 radio personality, Howard Stern, as well as additional programming run by other members of the Stern crew. It's all right here, and only on Sirius!

According to Sirius: The King of All Media holds court with Robin, Artie, Fred, and Gary as well as a host of outrageous Wack Packers, strippers and porn stars. Add to that A-List celebrity guests like Chris Rock and Tobey Maguire - and you've got the show at it's all-time best. Hear Howard like he's never been heard before - uncensored at 6am and re-aired throughout the day.

Curt's Rebuttal: Well, I'm not familiar enough with Stern to know the level of detail above about his show. I will say, his site on the Sirius is set-up a little differently, with no overarching description of the station. So while that listing above does describe his morning show, there are also wrap-up shows, shows run by interns, behind-the-scenes news, etc.

Sample Playlist:
  • The Wrap-Up Show: Because Howard 100 is a live East Coast feed, his show was actually done by the time I drove into work. Instead, I started off the day with a show wrapping up and providing commentary on his broadcast. Today it was on very briefly (I caught the tail end of it), but there seemed to be some sort of arguing going on...
  • Commercials: Here's another that we're out of commercial-free music land, we're into the talk stations that have commercials. Not high-quality, mind you, but serving a variety of needs, from how to get good stock tips to setting up a home office voice mail system to finding out all your computer network needs.
  • Howard 100 News Backstage: Not news of the day, as much as news happening on the set of Stern. Today, there was a lot of talk about how Sal apparently used Stern's name in an effort to persuade Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane to create characters for him and a friend on the cartoon series. He also tried to get a role on Entourage. Much debate and derision about this.
  • Howard Stern Replay: So now I got to listen to a little bit of the morning show that I missed. Jerry Rice was a guest. There was also talk about a date that Robin and Jimmy went on...and trying to get her to reveal how far it went.
Verdict: Not a huge Stern fan, so ended up not bookmarking it. It's nice to be out of the music part, though, and to be experiencing something different. I think I get more Stern tomorrow, though, so who knows...maybe I'll hear something that changes my mind. Stay tuned for a more in-depth report then.

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