Monday, June 4, 2007

Sirius Sidebar: Get 'Er Done

While my "Rules of Engagement" previously posted state that I'm allowed to take the weekends off from this experiment, I still endured Channel 3: "Sirius Love" on Saturday, on my way to the gym. However, I had an additional unwritten rule, which I must now formalize:

"If I clock in my time on a particular station as part of the experiment, I'm not allowed to officially move on to the next station until I get my report blogged and completed." witnessed in my previous blog...I had to make it through two (yes, TWO) days of soft, melodic love songs. Hopefully, I've learned my lesson.


Unknown said...

this adult contemporary thing has it's downsides. you have a fiduciary duty to blog the TRUTH! forget for a moment that you could fall asleep at the wheel...and that's how it gets you. Kenny G is a gateway drug.

Curt said...

A gateway drug? To what? John Tesh?

Ben Motz said...

I think the funniest thing is that you were listening to Sirius Love on the way to the GYM. Please, tell us how that workout went. Did you have to consciously avoid getting intimate with the workout equipment? Ooooh sweet sweet weight plate.

Curt said...

The workout went GREAT! Of course, I was listening to my iPod at the time, which quickly cleansed my veins of any lingering effects of the dulcet tones of Whitney Houston.