According to Sirius: "From pop to hip-hop and rock to R&B: Sirius Hits 1 is the sound of Generation NOW!"Driving Circumstances: My morning drive, on the way to Whole Foods for a pre-work breakfast meeting. A little tired from lack of sleep the night before.
My Experience: I couldn't have asked for a better way to ease into this experiment. I got into my '96 Geo Prizm (that's how I roll), dialed all the way to the beginning of the Sirius dial, and was greeted by one of my favorite bands,
Bowling for Soup (and their song "When we Die"). Nothing like something familiar and enjoyable to start your day. The music on
Sirius Hits 1 was a good mix of things I knew (and liked), music that was new to me (and enjoyable)...yet tempered with stuff I wouldn't normally listen to.

It also had your typical "wacky morning radio crew," known collectively as
The Morning Mash-Up which Sirius describes as follows: "What do you get when you put together a family man, a party girl, high maintenance pretty boy and the self-proclaimed 'biggest dork in the universe?'" I wasn't in the car long enough to hear if they fell on the "amusing" or "annoying" side of the comedy fence.
Sirius Hits 1 was subtly pressuring me to join something called the "Wutchuwant Crew," which encourages the sharing of personal data in exchange for being able to tell the folks at Sirius what kind of music you want to hear. I think once I turned 30, I immediately became ineligible to join any type of "crew."
Sample Playlist:- Bowling for Soup, "When We Die"
- Amy Winehouse, "Rehab"
- Timbaland, featuring Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake, "Give it to Me"
- Boys Like Girls, "The Great Escape"
- The Fray, "Over My Head (Cable Car)"
- Green Day, "Working Class Hero"
- Snoop Dogg, "Drop it Like it's Hot"
Verdict: This was originally in my "favorites" list, and I'm keeping it there. It's never been part of my normal listening rotation, though, so I'm going to try to listen to it more...just to keep up with what the kids are listening to these days.